
Não me lembro de já ter desejado que algum amigo fosse mais rico, educado, inteligente ou culto, mas já me peguei várias vezes desejando que fossem lindos. Pôxa, Fulana é tão legal, desinibida, esperta, por que não podia ser linda também, né? A triste verdade é que tem muita gente feia nesse mundo. Inclusive eu...

2 Responses to “Desejos...”

  1. # Anonymous Anônimo

    isso me lembrou uma música de Jon Bon Jovi q eu ouvi um dia no meu inglês

    If you're ugly, I'm ugly too
    In your eyes the sky's a different blue
    If you could see yourself like others do
    You'd wish you were as beautiful as you

    And I wish I was a camera sometimes
    So I could take your picture with my mind
    Put it in a frame for you to see
    How beautiful you really are to me

    Ugly, Ugly, all of us
    Just feel like that somedays
    Ain't no rainbow in the sky
    When you feel U.G.L.Y
    And that's Ugly
    Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

    Ugly, Ugly, all of us
    Just feel like that somedays
    Ain't no rainbow in the sky
    When you feel U.G.L.Y
    And that's Ugly, Ugly, all of us
    Just feel like that somedays
    Ain't no cure that you can buy
    When you feel U.G.L.Y
    And that's Ugly

    So if you're ugly, I'm ugly too
    If you're a nut then I must be a screw
    If you could see yourself the way I do
    You'd wish you were as beautiful as you

    I wish I was as beautiful as you

    aparências cansam

  2. # Anonymous Anônimo

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....  

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